Prime Numbers
Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria, 300BC.
Prime Number
A prime number is a natural number (no ending) greater than 1 that is not a product of two smaller numbers. A natural number greater than 1 that is not prime is called a composite number.
All prime numbers are written in red.
All prime numbers with a gap of 10(s) {a decade(s)} are highlighted in yellow.
A stack of two prime numbers is called a couplet and a stack of three prime numbers a triplet.
25 Prime Numbers from 1 to 100
The Characteristics of Prime Numbers
1. The list of prime numbers is infinite (Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria, 300BC).
2. Twin primes (French mathematician Alphose de Polignac, 1849).
3. Prime numbers are associated with time (American mathematical biologist Glenn Webb, 2001). Prime number is prime time. They are about the past, the present, and the future of the universe. Negative prime numbers do exist.
4. All prime numbers are ending in 1, 3, 7, and 9, but not all numbers ending in 1, 3, 7, and 9 are prime. They will never be ending in 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 0. The number 2 is the only even number that is prime. The number 5 is the only odd number that is prime, and the numbers 1 and 9 are the only odd numbers that are not prime.
5. By joining all prime numbers ending in 1 with 3 and 7 with 9, slanting lines are formed. (Diagonal lines composed of prime numbers were discovered in Ulam spiral by Polish-born American mathematician Stanisław Marcin Ulam, 1963.)
21 Prime Numbers from 101 to 200
16 Prime Numbers from 201 to 300
16 Prime Numbers from 301 to 400
17 Prime Numbers from 401 to 500
14 Prime Numbers from 501 to 600
16 Prime Numbers from 601 to 700
14 Prime Numbers from 701 to 800
15 Prime Numbers from 801 to 900
14 Prime Numbers from 901 to 1000
16 Prime Numbers from 1001 to 1100
12 Prime Numbers from 1101 to 1200
15 Prime Numbers from 1201 to 1300
11 Prime Numbers from 1301 to 1400
17 Prime Numbers from 1401 to 1500
12 Prime Numbers from 1501 to 1600
15 Prime Numbers from 1601 to 1700
12 Prime Numbers from 1701 to 1800
12 Prime Numbers from 1801 to 1900
13 Prime Numbers from 1901 to 2000
14 Prime Numbers from 2001 to 2100
10 Prime Numbers from 2101 to 2200
15 Prime Numbers from 2201 to 2300
15 Prime Numbers from 2301 to 2400
Prime Numbers from 1 to 2400
Prime numbers 1-400
Prime numbers 401-800
Prime numbers 801-1200
Prime numbers 1201-1600
Prime numbers 1601-2000
Prime numbers 2001-2400
Prime Time from 13c to 21c
Prime time